Friday, November 19, 2010

Interior Design

Part of an Interior Designer's work is to be able to successfully meet the clients needs. Sometimes an Interior Designer must be able to extract information when a client does not fully explain their wants and needs. Interior Designers must be able to communicate graphically to explain their design to other professionals working on the project. 

Interior design contributes to society in many ways. Spaces have the capability to influence users psychologically. Acoustics are important to consider when designing because if done wrong it can distract and irritate those in the space Examples of spaces where acoustics are important are libraries and public restrooms. Temperature and lighting are other aspects in the design that may irritate the users when they are not appropriate for the space. Proxemics can change the comfort level of an area.

Social and cultural ideas of space between others will determine how many users will comfortably fit in the area the designer has created. When a sofa is placed in an area, people won't likely sit on it with a stranger. Back to back chairs can cause uncomfort because the seats against each other do not give the users enough space to move around without being worried about hitting the person behind. The position of chairs can inhibit or suggest conversations. Chairs placed straight across from each other and chairs placed at a right angle make it easier for people to start a conversation.  

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