Tuesday, November 2, 2010

David Matthews Lecture Number 2

In the profession of interior design, it is important to be open to many options and have back up plans if your specific area is struggling. Fields not commonly thought of  that those with an interior design degree may work in:

Exhibit Design:

Trade Show Design: 

Mill Work:

Lighting Design:

Video Game Design:

Certain aspects of interior design are more used in different areas of the profession. In residential, the decoration is typically more important than with commercial. A residential space can also be more taste specific because there is a smaller audience. The relationship with the client in a residential setting is more personal than with a commercial project because the client is also the user of the space. Commercial spaces cost more to build because materials have to last longer and stand up to the wear of many more users. Although efficiency is important in both residential and commercial, most of the time it is more strict in a residential setting because the client is paying out of his or her own pocket rather than a larger company budget.


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