Thursday, November 11, 2010

Avigail Sachs Lecture

Mies Van Der Rohe believes space is something that you can experience by moving through it. His intention is to represent the way design should be. Mies Van Der Rohe shows an understanding between art, science, and technology. His style is minimalistic and completely thought out. Mies used the saying less is more to describe his view of what good design is. Mies Van Der Rohe has a logical reason for every aspect of his design and has the philosophy that anything that is not needed should be removed.  The Farnsworth House and the Barcelona Pavilion he designed are good examples of what Mies is achieving through his architecture.

Barcelona Pavilion
Farnsworth House

Robert Venturi believes design should make people feel good. He thinks that historical references and comfort are important for good design. Venturi thinks that design like Mies Van Der Rohe's is too machine like and cold. Venturi also believes that design does not have to be completely rationalized. He blends old with new and contrasting styles together in a way that is the most comfortable for the person/ people using the space. Robert Venturi aimed to make complex designs opposite of Mies's minimalistic designs. Venturi puts emphasis on making people respond to old ideas, history, and tradition. An example of the way Robert Venturi designs is the Vanna Venturi House he built for his mother.

Vanna Venturi House Exterior

Vanna Venturi House Interior

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