Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ryann Aoukar Lecture

"It's not what we do but why we do it."

Ryann Aoukar spoke about the process of working with professionals in other fields and other important information relating to the entire design process. The Broker and Architect are the first professionals the Interior Designer will work with. In order to properly plan the designer must be aware of furniture standards. The designer must take into account the building class when starting their design. Furniture Builders and Model Builders can assist our designs. Then designers work with Contractors and Engineers to further the design process and get it physically started. Having  contact with many Product Designers and Artists can give a designer more options when choosing furniture and artwork. An Interior Designer may also work with a Graphic Designer if the design requires signage. The well combined effort of these professionals will result in a more successful space.

Yabaco chair by Ryann Aoukar

Architecture Field Trip

Sewanee: I was interested in the smooth, reflective glass with the rough wood and stone textures that were repeated often at Sewanee.

Hunter Museum: Most of the materials in the Hunter Museum were a similar finish but the warm wood color contrasts the cool grays.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

David Matthews Lecture

Integrated Vs. Applied

Integrated: Combining or coordinating separate elements so as to provide a harmonious, interrelated whole.
                 EX: Windows, Walls, Doors

Applied: Of or pertaining to those arts or crafts that have a primarily utilitarian function, or to the designs and decorations used in these arts.
                 EX: Wallpaper, Paint, Textiles

                                          Integrated Example:

                                          Applied Example:

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sustainable Design is focusing on products and processes that protect the environment while conserving energy for future generations.

Part of an Interior Designer’s profession includes trying to design spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly. Lighting is one major source of energy that an Interior Designer is responsible for. Energy can be saved by using compact florescent lighting (CFL) which not only uses less energy but also lasts longer than traditional household light bulbs. A Designer can also save energy by utilizing natural lighting when designing a space. LED lighting technology is currently improving so it can be more widely used as interior lighting because it is even more efficient than CFL.

The lighting controls can be just as important as the actual lights when trying to be sustainable. Movement, sound, and infrared sensors can save energy by automatically turning off the lights when they are not in use. The daylight switching plan is a way of saving energy by turning on and off lights based on where natural sunlight is in the room. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Interior Design 101

Interior Designer: a person who specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings. - Merriam Webster Dictionary

In general, most interior design can fit under one of two categories, commercial and residential.

Acronyms associated with Interior Design:
ASID is the American Society of Interior Designers. It was created in 1975 in order to join student and professional Interior Designers to advance the profession and more successfully be able to change the lives of people in a positive manner.

NCIDQ is the National Council for Interior Design Qualification. It sets a minimum standard for Interior Designers. An Interior Designer must pass the NCIDQ examination  in order to be a card holder telling the public he or she is a competent professional.

IDEC is the Interior Design Educators Council. IDEC is a non- profit organization that advances the profession of interior design by improving resources for educators and students.

CIDA is the Council for Interior Design Accreditation. CIDA was created in 1970 in order to set a standard for the education of interior design.

IIDA is the International Interior Design Association. IIDA was created in 1994 to join together the most talented Interior Designers around the world.

AIA is the American Institute of Architects. AIA began in 1857 to serve society by being the voice of professional Architects.

What’s the difference between interior design and interior decorating? According to NCIDQ, Interior Designers use their knowledge of human behavior to make interior spaces functional and safe. An interior decorator’s job is to make a space look attractive. An interior designer is also able to be an interior decorator but a decorator is not properly qualified to be a designer.